Days are packed with moments within hours and Salubrious Hour is that golden time when you are truly grateful for being.

It is watching the sunrise as you have the beach to yourself, it is working hard, it is the first beer with your mates on a Friday night; whatever your situation, Salubrious Hour is about doing what you love with who you love. More Good Times!






Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Well here we go. Shop 2 is open. The emotions are mixed, I am not gonna lie. After roughly 5 years of Salubrious, opening our second shop is something we are extremely proud of and excited for.

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Hemp Hour

Hemp Hour

Hemp has long taken the full brunt of its bad boy cousin (cannabis) antics and somewhat been put on the outer of the fashion industry.

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Our town, Robe!

Our town, Robe!

We may be a little bit bias, well truthfully….scratch that, we are incredibly bias but it would be selfish and a damn shame to not share with you the brilliant town that is, Robe.

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Oceans Deadzones

Oceans Deadzones

The ocean. A vast body of extensive water that so many of us Australians grow up with. Embracing the waves, sun and laidback lifestyle that

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